Saturday, 13 February 2016

Less than an hour to go

We're so nearly there! In half an hour, our H818 conference begins and whilst I was initially quite worried about being the first student to present, I'm now relieved that in one hour and fifteen minutes, mine will be over and everyone else will still be feeling nervous.

I've now embedded a public version of my presentation in SlideShare:

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs): from paper to online from Nicki Berry

I've got my notes printed off, ready and a notebook and pen handy to take notes during other people's presentations.

Good luck everyone!


  1. Hi, did you use Sway or recommend it for Learners? I am using it on my project and would love your feedback!

  2. I have used Sway and I would recommend it for learners. I didn't use it for the H818 conference though because it couldn't be embedded on the site.
