Sunday, 28 February 2016

End of Module Assignment (EMA)

The last couple of weeks have been frantic, as I've been writing my EMA. It's in four parts:

  1. Critical review of my own project
  2. Critical review of two other student presentations and compare/contrast with my own
  3. Reflections of becoming a networked practitioner
  4. Links to my project artefact and Cloudworks.
Last year, I studied E854 - Language in Action. It was an applied linguistics module. Whilst I enjoyed learning new skills and concepts, I found the level of academic writing very difficult. I spent hours on TMAs, trying to make sure I covered all the requirements and on 3 out of the 5 assignments, I was very disappointed with my marks. When I started H818, I was looking forward to being back in my geeky comfort zone but I was nervous about the TMAs and EMA. As the module has progressed and my marks have been kinder to me than last year's, my confidence has begun to grow back a little but this week, I have felt out of my depth again.

A few weeks ago, at work there was a day when we were all feeling quite low and the atmosphere was negative. It felt like we were all slogging our guts out but achieving nothing. A couple of days later, we got an email from my line manager, with the subject 'Achievements'. The email thanked us all for our constant hard work and then listed all the things we had achieved in the previous few weeks. These were real, concrete achievements and as I read them, I felt positive and purposeful again. It was a good lesson in motivation. We need to be reminded of what we have achieved from time to time. I tend to be quite self-critical, analyse the negatives and don't notice the positives. I need to sit down and record the positives sometimes.

So here are some positive achievements from H818, not just for me but for the whole cohort:

  • We have engaged in online networking, have learned and experimented with new networking techniques and have formed conclusions about our future networking plans;
  • We have 'played' with new techie tools to produce an amazing array of posters to advertise our conference presentations;
  • We have overcome the demotivating participation bar on OpenStudio and some of us even worked out its requirements;
  • We have all presented in a live online conference, with delegates from within and outside of H818, overcoming nerves, technical issues and the constaints of OULive;
  • We have grown in our ability/confidence/willingness to engage in peer reviews, and have made decisions about what feedback we will act on to improve our work.
I was relieved when E854 was finally over but this time, I feel rather sad. Even though we have never met, I feel like friendships have formed on this module and the influence of others has made be a better student. I'll miss that. 

Once H818 is officially over and I've finished a couple of other high priority pieces of work (my L1 British Sign Language exam and a job application) I must decide which module to study next. It will have to be a really engaging module though, if it is to come anywhere close to H818!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Presentation and activity 9.3

Everything in me, having done my presentation, wanted to breathe a sigh of relief and then take a week off. However, the End of Module Assignment (EMA) is due in on 3rd March, so I've returned to the module activities.
  1. Having looked at the preparation material for the conference and the type of sessions outlined, you may wish to revisit and revise the criteria for review identified in Activity 7.2. For example, you may wish to add some questions or criteria related to the content or format of that session.
  2. As a final test of your own work, apply your review criteria to your own presentation.
I have begun to feel quite okay about reviewing other people's work in a public forum. I've always been quite happy to reflect on my own work but committing my self-review to paper (or screen) feels a little scary... but here goes! I've decided to use a rating system which I most familiar with, thanks to Ofsted.

Criteria Content or presentation Rating
2 - good
3 - requires improvement
4 - inadequate
Did the presentation supply what was called for?
I think my presentation gave a good overview of my project, its background, work so far and the artefact. 
Was it accurate?
Did it demonstrate understanding?
It is really difficult to self-review this. I think it was accurate and demonstrated understanding but then I am assuming that my understanding of the topic is correct. Would I know if it wasn't?
Were the elements of the materials used appropriately to deliver the message or fulfil the purpose? Presentation
I felt limited here by the software. Our presentations could only be prepared in PowerPoint and without using anything beyond basic features. I lacked the courage to risk using the Webtour feature.
Stylistically, was it appropriate for the specified audience? Presentation
This felt like something of an unknown, right up until the day. Having watching all the other presentations though, we were all pretty much along the same lines.
Was it at an appropriate technical level? Presentation
I tried to explain terms that are not commonly used, including acronyms.
Was the message clear? Presentation
When I began preparing this presentation and the project, very few of my H818 colleagues knew about This is quite a complex concept and is often misunderstood, even by teachers in FE. I think I explained it in such a way that it could be understood by all.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Less than an hour to go

We're so nearly there! In half an hour, our H818 conference begins and whilst I was initially quite worried about being the first student to present, I'm now relieved that in one hour and fifteen minutes, mine will be over and everyone else will still be feeling nervous.

I've now embedded a public version of my presentation in SlideShare:

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs): from paper to online from Nicki Berry

I've got my notes printed off, ready and a notebook and pen handy to take notes during other people's presentations.

Good luck everyone!

Saturday, 6 February 2016

One week to go

The H818 online conference starts next Saturday and apart from the keynote speaker for the day, I'm up first. Have a look at the conference page. There are some fantastic projects being presented. Unfortunately the actual conference is not open to the general public but I'll be posting my presentation afterwards, probably in SlideShare, so if you're interested, you'll be able to have a look.

Conference banner

Last night and this morning, I've been finalising my presentation and I've just shared it in Open Studio so that any last minute feedback can be implemented before I have to submit it midweek. I'm getting excited about the conference now. I've selected my list of 'must see' presentations. I'm hoping to attend all of next Saturday afternoon and half of the other two sessions.

My presentation title

As often happens when a deadline is approaching, many of the forums have gone rather quiet, as people are obviously engrossed in their own work. But then we remember we have to keep actively networking and supporting each other's project development, so we have a blitz in Open Studio. Getting a good balance at this stage feels to me rather like walking a tightrope.