Yesterday the H818 module website opened. Unfortunately, I was really unwell though and not able to do very much. I had a brief look at it between Lemsips and sleeps and managed to send the Kindle files to both my Paperwhite and my Fire. This meant that I could lie in bed reading it, which promptly sent me back to sleep.
This is one of the reasons I got ahead last module, at the beginning. My disability means that a couple of days with a virus (I think that's what they call unknown bugs) can easily wipe out a week's study. I also know that Ofsted are coming very soon and that will steal another week. I've learned to manage my new life by taking advantage of the good days to bank respite time for the bad ones. For E854, it worked. I wasn't working much in September and October, so I got myself five weeks ahead. I was glad of those when I had a week or two in too much pain to study and a couple of weekends to be with my boys around their exam times.
This time round, I'm working but I know that if I don't get a head start, at some point I'll fall behind. That seems to be acceptable for disabled students but I don't want to start doing that. I see it as my responsibility to manage time, work and study sensibly and save for the future. So I'll be making a start as soon as I can.
Meanwhile, on Facebook, everyone's been posting deskies - like selfies but of your workspace instead of yourself. So here's mine...
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